Hello & Welcome

Welcome to philcoskerwriter.com. On my site you’ll find galleries of my photographs. If you’d like to explore these images just click on ‘Photography’ at the top of the page. 

You’ll also find a long list of 500-word short stories? Why 500-word stories? 

From April 2020 I needed a new challenge faced with a diagnosis of metastatic prostate cancer and the pandemic lockdown(s). I was about to start a new novel but was unsure if I’d live long enough to finish it. Instead, I set myself the task of writing 500-word stories because it’s hard to write something compelling and complete in 500 words. So far, I’ve posted getting on for 150 such stories. You’ll find a full list of these under ‘Writing’ above, click on a title and there you are. (Under ‘Writing’ you’ll also find links to other genres of my writing.) Alternatively, you’ll find all the stories in chronological order by clicking on ‘Blog’.

What are the stories about?

To be pompous, I could say ‘they explore the nature of being human in a variety of situations.

I have sought to explore the ‘ordinary’ that might be described as ‘extraordinary’. Some are funny, some sad and some are angry (often mistakenly described as ‘rants’).

If you like what you find, then please follow me and you’ll receive an email with a new 500- word story when it’s ready.

From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.

Go well,

Phil Cosker
April 2024